
There are multiple choices:

  1. Run on Google Colab:

    1. Connect to GPUs and Mount drive

    2. Clone the repo (with GitHub access token:

    3. Run the train command with the “—cuda” argument. Example:

      ! python \\
        --data data/en-sv/infopankki/prepared \\
        --source-lang sv \\
        --target-lang en \\
        --save-dir assignments/01/baseline/checkpoints \\
        --train-on-tiny \\
    4. Be careful about:

      1. Make sure the laptop doesn’t go into sleep mode after some inactive time (because Colab might disconnect then)

      2. There is a trick:

        1. On Windows, in Colab click on F12 or Fn + F12 to open developer tools, then open the console and enter one of the javascript functions given under the StackOverflow question. For me, this one works:
        function ConnectButton(){
          console.log("Connect pushed");
          document.querySelector("#top-toolbar > colab-connectbutton").shadowRoot.querySelector("#connect").click()
  2. Run on local:

    1. Install VSCode and Python:
    2. Optional: Install WSL
      1. Install WSL on Windows ( and WSL extension on VSCode (
      2. ctr+shift+p to open the VScode command palette, then “WSL: Reopen folder in WSL”
    3. Python Environment:
      1. Option 1 - Installing Conda (recommended):
        1. If you have WSL (see step 2.b):
          1. Install Conda
          2. Now we can run the commands on any WSL bash terminal (see the Environment Setup - conda commands)
        2. If you choose not to install WSL:
          1. Install Conda on Windows Powershell:
          2. Then search for “Anaconda prompt” in Windows and we can run the commands under README: Environment Setup - conda on Anaconda prompt.
      2. Option 2: Using virtualenv
        1. If you have WSL (see step 2.b): Run the commands in our README given for the WSL on the wsl terminal
        2. If you choose not to install WSL: Run the commands in our README given for Powershell